Essa é uma implementação para fins didáticos, voltada para programadores iniciantes (ou não).
Veja os demais vídeos de jogos para Arduino no canal:
Wall Defender - Versão display 8x8:
Wall Defender - Versão display LCD:
Vídeo do jogo Snake:
Vídeo do jogo Race:
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/* Fabiano A. Arndt - 2016 */ /************************************************************************************************************* *******************************BIT ARRAY ********************************************************************* ************************************************************************************************************** mais informações aqui: **************************************************************************************************************/ class BitArray2D { private: unsigned int _rows; unsigned int _columns; unsigned int _cols_array; //pra cada 8 colunas, 1 byte é usado byte** _bits; public: BitArray2D(unsigned int rows, unsigned int columns){ _rows = rows; _columns = columns; _cols_array = columns/8 + (_columns%8 ? 1 : 0) + 1; //divide por 8 o número de colunas _bits = (byte **)malloc(_rows * sizeof(byte *)); for(int i=0;i<_rows;i++){ _bits[i] = (byte *)malloc( _cols_array * sizeof(byte)); } //cria varios arrays clear(); } unsigned int rows(){ return _rows; } unsigned int columns(){ return _columns; } void clear() { for(int i=0;i<_rows;i++){ for(int j=0; j<_cols_array;j++) { _bits[i][j] = B00000000; } } } void write(unsigned int row, unsigned int column, int value){ byte b = _bits[row][ column/8 + (column%8 ? 1 : 0) ]; unsigned int bit = column%8; if (value) { b |= (1 << bit); } else { b &= ~(1 << bit); } _bits[row][ column/8 + (column%8 ? 1 : 0) ] = b; } void write(byte value){ for(int i=0;i<_rows;i++){ for(int j=0; j<_cols_array;j++) { _bits[i][j] = value ? B11111111 : B00000000; } } } int read(unsigned int row, unsigned int column){ byte b = _bits[row][ column/8 + (column%8 ? 1 : 0) ]; unsigned int bit = column%8; return (b & (1 << bit)) != 0; } void toggle(unsigned int row, unsigned int column){ write(row, column, !read(row, column)); } void toggle(){ for(int i=0;i<_rows;i++){ for(int j=0; j<_columns;j++) { toggle(i,j); } } } }; /************************************************************************************************************* *******************************FIM BIT ARRAY ***************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************************************* ************************************CLASSE UNIQUE RANDOM****************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** mais informações aqui: *************************************************************************************************************/ class UniqueRandom{ private: int _index; int _min; int _max; int _size; int* _list; void _init(int min, int max) { _list = 0; if (min < max) { _min = min; _max = max; } else { _min = max; _max = min; } _size = _max - _min; _index = 0; } public: UniqueRandom(int max) { _init(0, max); randomize(); } //construtor com 1 parametro UniqueRandom(int min, int max) { _init(min, max); randomize(); } //construtor com 2 parametros void randomize() { _index = 0; if (_list == 0) { _list = (int*) malloc(size() * sizeof(int)); } for (int i=0; i<size(); i++) { _list[i] = _min+i; } //preenche a lista do menor ao maior valor //embaralha a lista for (int i=0; i<size(); i++) { int r = random(0, size()); //sorteia uma posição qualquer int aux = _list[i]; _list[i] = _list[r]; _list[r] = aux; } } int next() { //retorna o proximo numero da lista int n = _list[_index++]; if (_index >= size() ) { _index = 0;} //após recuper o ultimo numero, recomeça na posicao 0 return n; } void first() { _index = 0; } boolean eof() { return size() == _index+1; } int size() { return _size; } int getIndex() { return _index; } ~UniqueRandom(){ free ( _list ); } //destrutor }; /************************************************************************************************************* ************************************FIM CLASSE UNIQUE RANDOM************************************************** *************************************************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************************************* *******************************LEDCONTROL ALTERADA************************************************************ mais informações: **************************************************************************************************************/ //the opcodes for the MAX7221 and MAX7219 #define OP_DECODEMODE 9 #define OP_INTENSITY 10 #define OP_SCANLIMIT 11 #define OP_SHUTDOWN 12 #define OP_DISPLAYTEST 15 class LedControl { private : byte spidata[16]; byte * status; int SPI_MOSI; int SPI_CLK; int SPI_CS; int maxDevices; int _auto_send; void spiTransfer(int addr, volatile byte opcode, volatile byte data) { int offset = addr*2; int maxbytes = maxDevices*2; for(int i=0;i<maxbytes;i++) { spidata[i]=(byte)0; } spidata[offset+1] = opcode; spidata[offset] = data; digitalWrite(SPI_CS,LOW); for(int i=maxbytes;i>0;i--) { shiftOut(SPI_MOSI,SPI_CLK,MSBFIRST,spidata[i-1]); } digitalWrite(SPI_CS,HIGH); } public: LedControl(int dataPin, int clkPin, int csPin, int numDevices) { _auto_send = true; SPI_MOSI = dataPin; SPI_CLK = clkPin; SPI_CS = csPin; maxDevices = numDevices; pinMode(SPI_MOSI, OUTPUT); pinMode(SPI_CLK, OUTPUT); pinMode(SPI_CS, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(SPI_CS, HIGH); status = new byte[maxDevices * 8]; //instancia o array de acordo com a quantia de displays usados for(int i=0;i<maxDevices * 8 ;i++) { status[i]=0x00; } for(int i=0;i<maxDevices;i++) { spiTransfer(i, OP_DISPLAYTEST,0); setScanLimit(i, 7); //scanlimit is set to max on startup spiTransfer(i, OP_DECODEMODE,0); //decode is done in source clearDisplay(i); shutdown(i,true); //we go into shutdown-mode on startup } } void startWrite() { _auto_send = false; }; void send() { for (int j=0; j<maxDevices; j++) { int offset = j*8; for(int i=0;i<8;i++) { spiTransfer(j, i+1, status[offset+i]); } } _auto_send = true; } int getDeviceCount(){ return maxDevices; } void shutdown(int addr, bool b){ if(addr<0 || addr>=maxDevices) return; spiTransfer(addr, OP_SHUTDOWN, b ? 0 : 1); } void setScanLimit(int addr, int limit){ if(addr<0 || addr>=maxDevices) return; if(limit>=0 && limit<8) spiTransfer(addr, OP_SCANLIMIT,limit); } void setIntensity(int addr, int intensity) { if(addr<0 || addr>=maxDevices) { return; } if(intensity>=0 && intensity<16) { spiTransfer(addr, OP_INTENSITY, intensity); } } void clearDisplay(int addr){ if(addr<0 || addr>=maxDevices) return; int offset = addr*8; for(int i=0;i<8;i++) { status[offset+i] = 0; if (_auto_send) { spiTransfer(addr, i+1, status[offset+i]); } } } void setLed(int addr, int row, int column, boolean state) { if(addr<0 || addr>=maxDevices) { return; } if(row<0 || row>7 || column<0 || column>7) { return; } int offset = addr*8; byte val = B10000000 >> column; if(state) { status[offset+row] = status[offset+row] | val; } else { val=~val; status[offset+row] = status[offset+row]&val; } if (_auto_send) { spiTransfer(addr, row+1, status[offset+row]); } } void setRow(int addr, int row, byte value) { if(addr<0 || addr>=maxDevices) return; if(row<0 || row>7) return; int offset = addr*8; status[offset+row] = value; if (_auto_send) { spiTransfer(addr, row+1, status[offset+row]); } } void setColumn(int addr, int col, byte value) { if(addr<0 || addr>=maxDevices) return; if(col<0 || col>7) return; byte val; for(int row=0; row<8; row++) { val=value >> (7-row); val=val & 0x01; setLed(addr,row,col,val); } } }; /************************************************************************************************************* *******************************FIM LEDCONTROL ALTERADA******************************************************** **************************************************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************************************* ************************************CLASSE ROTARY ENCODER***************************************************** mais informações: *************************************************************************************************************/ #define ROTARY_NO_BUTTON 255 struct RotaryEncoderLimits{ int min; int max; }; class RotaryEncoder { private: byte _pin_clk; byte _pin_dt; byte _pin_sw; volatile byte _num_results; volatile int _result; volatile int * _results; byte _index_result; RotaryEncoderLimits * _limits; byte _a : 1; byte _b : 1; public: RotaryEncoder(byte pin_clk, byte pin_dt, byte pin_sw = ROTARY_NO_BUTTON, byte num_results=1, RotaryEncoderLimits * limits=0){ //parametro do botao opcional _pin_clk = pin_clk; _pin_dt = pin_dt; _pin_sw = pin_sw; pinMode(_pin_clk, INPUT); pinMode(_pin_dt, INPUT); if (_pin_sw != ROTARY_NO_BUTTON){ pinMode(_pin_sw, INPUT); digitalWrite(_pin_sw, HIGH); } if (num_results == 0) { num_results = 1; } _num_results = num_results; _results = new int[_num_results]; for (int i; i<_num_results; i++){ _results[i] = (limits) ? limits[i].min : 0; } _index_result = 0; _limits = limits; _a = false; _b = false; } byte getIndex() { return _index_result; } void next() { _index_result++; if (_index_result >= _num_results) { _index_result = 0; } } void update_a() { _result = 0; delay (1); if( digitalRead(_pin_clk) != _a ) { _a = !_a; if ( _a && !_b ) { _result = -1; } } if (_results[_index_result]+_result >= _limits[_index_result].min && _results[_index_result]+_result <= _limits[_index_result].max ) { _results[_index_result] += _result; } } void update_b() { _result = 0; delay (1); if( digitalRead(_pin_dt) != _b ) { _b = !_b; if ( _b && !_a ) { _result = +1; } } if (_results[_index_result]+_result >= _limits[_index_result].min && _results[_index_result]+_result <= _limits[_index_result].max ) { _results[_index_result] += _result; } } int read(){ return _result; } //retorn -1, 0 ou 1. int getValue(int index=-1) { //retorna o valor da variável corrente ou a passada como parametro if (index < 0 ){ return _results[_index_result]; } return _results[index]; } void setValue(int value, int index=-1){ _results[ (index==-1) ? _index_result : index] = value; } //caso a variável inicializa em determinado valor diferente de zero, utilizar esse método. int buttonRead(){ return (_pin_sw == ROTARY_NO_BUTTON) ? LOW : digitalRead(_pin_sw); } }; /************************************************************************************************************* ************************************FIM CLASSE ROTARY ENCODER************************************************* *************************************************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************************************* *******************************CLASSES TETRIS GAME************************************************************ **************************************************************************************************************/ const int TETRIS_TIME_INIT = 700; //tempo entre deslocamento dos inimigos const int TETRIS_TIME_INC = 20; //incremento da velocidade enum Direction { DIR_STOP, DIR_TOP, DIR_LEFT, DIR_BOTTOM, DIR_RIGHT}; enum TetrisGameStatus { TETRIS_GAME_ON, TETRIS_GAME_OVER }; enum TetrisBlockTypes { TETRIS_I, TETRIS_J, TETRIS_L, TETRIS_O, TETRIS_S, TETRIS_Z, TETRIS_T, TETRIS_COUNT_BTYPES}; struct Position { int row, column; }; struct Block { byte row0:4; byte row1:4; byte row2:4; byte row3:4; }; //4 bit cada linha //blocos e suas rotacoes Block block_i[] = { {B1111, B0000, B0000, B0000}, {B0001, B0001, B0001, B0001} }; Block block_j[] = { {B0000, B0010, B0010, B0011}, {B0000, B0000, B0001, B0111}, {B0000, B0110, B0010, B0010}, {B0000, B0000, B0111, B0100} }; Block block_l[] = { {B0000, B0010, B0010, B0110}, {B0000, B0000, B0100, B0111}, {B0000, B0011, B0010, B0010}, {B0000, B0000, B0111, B0001} }; Block block_o[] = { {B0000, B0000, B0110, B0110} }; Block block_s[] = { {B0000, B0001, B0011, B0010}, {B0000, B0000, B0110, B0011} }; Block block_z[] = { {B0000, B0000, B0110, B1100}, {B0000, B1000, B1100, B0100} }; Block block_t[] = { {B0000, B0000, B0010, B0111}, {B0000, B0010, B0011, B0010}, {B0000, B0000, B0111, B0010}, {B0000, B0001, B0011, B0001} }; class TetrisBlock{ private: Block _block; //bloco que vai descendo. player Position _position; //posição do bloco na tela. pode assumir posição negativa TetrisBlockTypes _blockType; byte _blockTypeRotation; public: Position getPosition() { return _position; } byte getRow(int row) { if (row == 0 ) return _block.row0; if (row == 1 ) return _block.row1; if (row == 2 ) return _block.row2; if (row == 3 ) return _block.row3; return 0; } byte getColumn(int col) { byte b = 0; for (int i=0;i<4;i++){ bitWrite(b, 3-i, bitRead(getRow(i), 3-col) ); } return b; } int read(int row, int column){ byte b = getRow(row); unsigned int bit = column%8; return (b & (1 << bit)) != 0; } void left() { _position.column--; } void right() { _position.column++; } void bottom() { _position.row++; } void top() { _position.row--; } void generateBlock(byte col) { _position.row = 0; _position.column = col; _blockType = (TetrisBlockTypes) random(0, TETRIS_COUNT_BTYPES); _blockTypeRotation = 0; if ( _blockType == TETRIS_I ){ _block = block_i[_blockTypeRotation]; } if ( _blockType == TETRIS_J ){ _block = block_j[_blockTypeRotation]; } if ( _blockType == TETRIS_L ){ _block = block_l[_blockTypeRotation]; } if ( _blockType == TETRIS_O ){ _block = block_o[_blockTypeRotation]; } if ( _blockType == TETRIS_S ){ _block = block_s[_blockTypeRotation]; } if ( _blockType == TETRIS_Z ){ _block = block_z[_blockTypeRotation]; } if ( _blockType == TETRIS_T ){ _block = block_t[_blockTypeRotation]; } if (!getRow(0)) { _position.row--; if (!getRow(1)) { _position.row--; if (!getRow(2)) { _position.row--; } } } } void rotate(int direction = 1){ int maxPos = 0; if ( _blockType == TETRIS_I ){ maxPos = sizeof(block_i)/sizeof(Block); } if ( _blockType == TETRIS_J ){ maxPos = sizeof(block_j)/sizeof(Block); } if ( _blockType == TETRIS_L ){ maxPos = sizeof(block_l)/sizeof(Block); } if ( _blockType == TETRIS_O ){ maxPos = sizeof(block_o)/sizeof(Block); } if ( _blockType == TETRIS_S ){ maxPos = sizeof(block_s)/sizeof(Block); } if ( _blockType == TETRIS_Z ){ maxPos = sizeof(block_z)/sizeof(Block); } if ( _blockType == TETRIS_T ){ maxPos = sizeof(block_t)/sizeof(Block); } (direction==1) ? _blockTypeRotation++ : _blockTypeRotation--; if (_blockTypeRotation == 255) { _blockTypeRotation = maxPos-1; } if (_blockTypeRotation >= maxPos) { _blockTypeRotation = 0; } if ( _blockType == TETRIS_I ){ _block = block_i[_blockTypeRotation]; } if ( _blockType == TETRIS_J ){ _block = block_j[_blockTypeRotation]; } if ( _blockType == TETRIS_L ){ _block = block_l[_blockTypeRotation]; } if ( _blockType == TETRIS_O ){ _block = block_o[_blockTypeRotation]; } if ( _blockType == TETRIS_S ){ _block = block_s[_blockTypeRotation]; } if ( _blockType == TETRIS_Z ){ _block = block_z[_blockTypeRotation]; } if ( _blockType == TETRIS_T ){ _block = block_t[_blockTypeRotation]; } } }; class TetrisGame { private: BitArray2D * _display; //display com todos os objetos da tela. recebido como parâmetro BitArray2D * _recipient; //recepiente onde os blocos vão se acumulando. criado internamente pela classe TetrisBlock * _block; Direction _direction; TetrisGameStatus _tetrisGameStatus; unsigned long _last_millis; unsigned long _last_millis_player; int _time; int _score; byte _fast : 1; //acelerar a descida UniqueRandom * _ur; //utilizado no game over void _gameOver(){ _tetrisGameStatus = TETRIS_GAME_OVER; _direction = DIR_STOP; _time = 20; } void _inc_speed(){ _score++; _time -= TETRIS_TIME_INC; } void _start(){ _recipient->clear(); _last_millis = 0; _score = 0; _time = TETRIS_TIME_INIT; _fast = 0; _direction = DIR_STOP; _tetrisGameStatus = TETRIS_GAME_ON; _newBlock(); } void _newBlock() { _block->generateBlock( _display->columns() / 2 - 1 ); if (_testCollision()){ _gameOver(); } } void _updateDisplay() { if (_tetrisGameStatus == TETRIS_GAME_ON) { _display->clear(); } for (int r=0; r<4; r++) { for (int c=0; c<4; c++) { if ( _block->read(r, c) ) { _display->write(_block->getPosition().row+r, _block->getPosition().column+c, HIGH ); } } } for (int row=0; row<_display->rows(); row++) { for (int col=0; col<_display->columns(); col++) { boolean val = _recipient->read(row, col); if (val) { _display->write(row, col, val ); } } } } boolean _testCollision(){ int col = _block->getPosition().column; //coluna do bloco em relacao ao recepiente. pode ser negativa int row = _block->getPosition().row; //linha do bloco em relacao ao recepiente. pode ser negativa for (byte c=0; c<4; c++){ for (byte r=0; r<4; r++){ if (! _block->read(r, c) ) { continue; } if ( row+r < 0 ) {return true;} if ( row+r >= _display->rows() ) {return true;} if ( col+c < 0 ) {return true;} if ( col+c >= _display->columns() ) {return true;} if ( _recipient->read(row+r, col+c) ) {return true;} } } return false; } boolean _canLeft(){ _block->left(); boolean r = ! _testCollision(); _block->right(); return r; } boolean _canRight(){ _block->right(); boolean r = ! _testCollision(); _block->left(); return r; } boolean _canBottom(){ _block->bottom(); boolean r = ! _testCollision(); _block->top(); return r; } boolean _canRotate(){ _block->rotate(); boolean r = ! _testCollision(); _block->rotate(-1); return r; } void _blockToRecipient(){ for (byte c=0; c<4; c++){ for (byte r=0; r<4; r++){ if ( _block->read(r, c) ){ _recipient->write(_block->getPosition().row+r, _block->getPosition().column+c, HIGH); } } } _verifyCompleteRow(); _newBlock(); } void _verifyCompleteRow(){ for (int row=0; row<_recipient->rows(); row++) { boolean complete = true; for (int col=0; col<_recipient->columns(); col++) { if (! _recipient->read(row, col) ) { complete = false; break; } } if (complete){ _incScore(); //move as linhas pra baixo for (int row2 = row; row2>=0; row2--) { for (int col2=0; col2<_recipient->columns(); col2++){ _recipient->write(row2, col2, (row2>0) ? _recipient->read(row2-1, col2) : 0 ); } } } } } void _incScore(){ _score++; _time -= TETRIS_TIME_INC; } void _runGameOver(){ int r = _ur->next(); int row = (r / _display->columns()); int col = (r % _display->columns()); _display->write(row, col, HIGH ); if ( _ur->getIndex() == (_ur->size()-1) ) { _ur->randomize(); _ur->first(); _start(); } } void _runPlayer() { if (_direction == DIR_LEFT && _canLeft() ) { _block->left(); } if (_direction == DIR_RIGHT && _canRight() ) { _block->right(); } _direction = DIR_STOP; } void _runBlock() { _canBottom() ? _block->bottom() : _blockToRecipient() ; _direction = DIR_STOP; } public: TetrisGame(BitArray2D * display){ _display = display; _recipient = new BitArray2D( _display->rows(), _display->columns() ); _ur = new UniqueRandom( _display->rows() * _display->columns() ); _block = new TetrisBlock(); _start(); } void fast() { _fast = 1; } //acelerar o deslocamento void noFast() { _fast = 0; } //descida do bloco na velocidade normal void left() { _direction = DIR_LEFT; } void right() { _direction = DIR_RIGHT; } void bottom() { _direction = DIR_BOTTOM; } void rotate() { if (_canRotate()) { _block->rotate(); } } int getScore(){ return _score; } Position getPosition() { return _block->getPosition(); } int update(){ int r = false; if (millis() - _last_millis > ( (_fast==1) ? 50 : _time ) ) { r = true; _last_millis = millis(); if (_tetrisGameStatus == TETRIS_GAME_ON) { _runBlock(); } if (_tetrisGameStatus == TETRIS_GAME_OVER) { _runGameOver(); } } if (millis() - _last_millis_player > 70 ) { //atualiza os movimentos do player a cada 70ms r = true; _last_millis_player = millis(); if (_tetrisGameStatus == TETRIS_GAME_ON) { _runPlayer(); } } if (r) { _updateDisplay(); } return r; //r-->indica se houve mudança no display } }; /************************************************************************************************************* *******************************FIM CLASSES TETRIS GAME******************************************************** **************************************************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************************************* *******************************DISPLAY************************************************************************ **************************************************************************************************************/ /* rotation indica qual parte do display estará para cima TOP L . . . . . . . . R E . . . . . . . . I F . . . . . . . . G T . . . . . . . . H . . . . . . . . T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BOTTOM */ enum Rotation {TOP, LEFT, BOTTOM, RIGHT}; struct Display { int index; Position position; Rotation rotation; }; /************************************************************************************************************* *******************************FIM DISPLAY******************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************************************* *******************************DECLARACAO DOS OBJETOS********************************************************* **************************************************************************************************************/ /* tamanho display real * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ const int LINHAS = 16; const int COLUNAS = 8; Display displays_8x8[] = { {1, {0,0}, BOTTOM}, {0, {8,0}, TOP} }; BitArray2D ba(LINHAS, COLUNAS); //8 linhas e 16 colunas, usada para armazenar o estado do display TetrisGame tetris(&ba); RotaryEncoderLimits lim[] = { {-1000,1000} }; //limites máximos e mínimos que as variaveis podem atingir RotaryEncoder re(A0, A1, 4, 1, lim); //pino clk, pino dt, pino sw, qtd variaveis, limites LedControl lc=LedControl(10,12,11,2); //pin 10: DataIn ; pin 12: CLK ; pin 11: LOAD --- 2 display 8x8 /************************************************************************************************************* *******************************FIM DECLARACAO DOS OBJETOS***************************************************** **************************************************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************************************* *******************************TRATAMENTO DAS INTERRUPÇÕES**************************************************** **************************************************************************************************************/ //interrupções dos pinos A0 e A1 via Pin Change Interrupt ISR(PCINT1_vect) { volatile static byte lastVal_a0 = LOW; volatile static byte lastVal_a1 = LOW; byte val_a0 = digitalRead(A0); byte val_a1 = digitalRead(A1); if (lastVal_a0 != val_a0){ re.update_a(); lastVal_a0 = val_a0; } if (lastVal_a1 != val_a1){ re.update_b(); lastVal_a1 = val_a1; } } void setup_interrupts(){ //-----PCI - Pin Change Interrupt ---- pinMode(A0,INPUT); // set Pin as Input (default) digitalWrite(A0,HIGH); // enable pullup resistor pinMode(A1,INPUT); // set Pin as Input (default) digitalWrite(A1,HIGH); // enable pullup resistor cli(); PCICR |= 0b00000010; // habilita a porta C - Pin Change Interrupts PCMSK1 |= 0b00000011; // habilita interrupção da porta c nos pinos: PCINT8 (A0) e PCINT9(A1) sei(); } /************************************************************************************************************* *******************************FIM TRATAMENTO DAS INTERRUPÇÕES**************************************************** **************************************************************************************************************/ void update_display() { lc.startWrite(); for (int lin=0; lin<ba.rows(); lin++) { for (int col=0; col<ba.columns(); col++) { for (int i=0; i<sizeof(displays_8x8)/sizeof(Display); i++) { int l = lin - displays_8x8[i].position.row; int c = col - displays_8x8[i].position.column; if (l>=0 && l<=7 && c>=0 && c<=7) { if (displays_8x8[i].rotation == BOTTOM) { c=7-c; l=7-l; } if (displays_8x8[i].rotation == LEFT) { int aux=c; c=l; l=7-aux; } if (displays_8x8[i].rotation == RIGHT) { int aux=l; l=c; c=7-aux; } lc.setLed(displays_8x8[i].index, l, c,, col) ); } } } } lc.send(); } void setup() { lc.shutdown(0,false); lc.setIntensity(0,1); lc.clearDisplay(0); lc.shutdown(1,false); lc.setIntensity(1,1); lc.clearDisplay(1); setup_interrupts(); randomSeed(analogRead(A2)); re.setValue(0, 0); //inicializa o rotary em 0 } void loop() { static int val_encoder = 0; static boolean change = false; if (re.getValue(0) < val_encoder && !change){ tetris.left(); change = true; } //sentido anti-horario move para esquerda if (re.getValue(0) > val_encoder && !change){ tetris.right(); change = true; } //sentido horario move para direita val_encoder = re.getValue(0); if ( tetris.update() ) { change = false; update_display(); } //controla o click do botao do enconder //clique curto --> rotate //clique longo --> fast static byte lastb = HIGH; //leitura anterior do botão static unsigned long m_pressed = 0; //millis na borda de subida do botão int b = re.buttonRead(); if( !b && lastb ) { //borda de subida m_pressed = millis(); delay(70); } if( b && !lastb ) { //borda de descida if (millis() - m_pressed < 350) { tetris.rotate(); m_pressed = millis(); } } if( !b && millis()-m_pressed > 350){; } else { tetris.noFast(); } lastb = b; }
Atualização 20/06/2016 - Versão em display LCD 16x2
Como já implementei alguns outros jogos em display lcd 16x2, não poderia deixar de fazer uma versão do tetris também.
/* Fabiano A. Arndt - 2016 */ #include <LiquidCrystal.h> /************************************************************************************************************* *******************************BIT ARRAY ********************************************************************* ************************************************************************************************************** mais informações aqui: **************************************************************************************************************/ class BitArray2D { private: unsigned int _rows; unsigned int _columns; unsigned int _cols_array; //pra cada 8 colunas, 1 byte é usado byte** _bits; public: BitArray2D(unsigned int rows, unsigned int columns){ _rows = rows; _columns = columns; _cols_array = columns/8 + (_columns%8 ? 1 : 0) + 1; //divide por 8 o número de colunas _bits = (byte **)malloc(_rows * sizeof(byte *)); for(int i=0;i<_rows;i++){ _bits[i] = (byte *)malloc( _cols_array * sizeof(byte)); } //cria varios arrays clear(); } unsigned int rows(){ return _rows; } unsigned int columns(){ return _columns; } void clear() { for(int i=0;i<_rows;i++){ for(int j=0; j<_cols_array;j++) { _bits[i][j] = B00000000; } } } void write(unsigned int row, unsigned int column, int value){ byte b = _bits[row][ column/8 + (column%8 ? 1 : 0) ]; unsigned int bit = column%8; if (value) { b |= (1 << bit); } else { b &= ~(1 << bit); } _bits[row][ column/8 + (column%8 ? 1 : 0) ] = b; } void write(byte value){ for(int i=0;i<_rows;i++){ for(int j=0; j<_cols_array;j++) { _bits[i][j] = value ? B11111111 : B00000000; } } } int read(unsigned int row, unsigned int column){ byte b = _bits[row][ column/8 + (column%8 ? 1 : 0) ]; unsigned int bit = column%8; return (b & (1 << bit)) != 0; } void toggle(unsigned int row, unsigned int column){ write(row, column, !read(row, column)); } void toggle(){ for(int i=0;i<_rows;i++){ for(int j=0; j<_columns;j++) { toggle(i,j); } } } }; /************************************************************************************************************* *******************************FIM BIT ARRAY ***************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************************************* ************************************CLASSE UNIQUE RANDOM****************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** mais informações aqui: *************************************************************************************************************/ class UniqueRandom{ private: int _index; int _min; int _max; int _size; int* _list; void _init(int min, int max) { _list = 0; if (min < max) { _min = min; _max = max; } else { _min = max; _max = min; } _size = _max - _min; _index = 0; } public: UniqueRandom(int max) { _init(0, max); randomize(); } //construtor com 1 parametro UniqueRandom(int min, int max) { _init(min, max); randomize(); } //construtor com 2 parametros void randomize() { _index = 0; if (_list == 0) { _list = (int*) malloc(size() * sizeof(int)); } for (int i=0; i<size(); i++) { _list[i] = _min+i; } //preenche a lista do menor ao maior valor //embaralha a lista for (int i=0; i<size(); i++) { int r = random(0, size()); //sorteia uma posição qualquer int aux = _list[i]; _list[i] = _list[r]; _list[r] = aux; } } int next() { //retorna o proximo numero da lista int n = _list[_index++]; if (_index >= size() ) { _index = 0;} //após recuper o ultimo numero, recomeça na posicao 0 return n; } void first() { _index = 0; } boolean eof() { return size() == _index+1; } int size() { return _size; } int getIndex() { return _index; } ~UniqueRandom(){ free ( _list ); } //destrutor }; /************************************************************************************************************* ************************************FIM CLASSE UNIQUE RANDOM************************************************** *************************************************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************************************* ************************************CLASSE ROTARY ENCODER***************************************************** mais informações: *************************************************************************************************************/ #define ROTARY_NO_BUTTON 255 struct RotaryEncoderLimits{ int min; int max; }; class RotaryEncoder { private: byte _pin_clk; byte _pin_dt; byte _pin_sw; volatile byte _num_results; volatile int _result; volatile int * _results; byte _index_result; RotaryEncoderLimits * _limits; byte _a : 1; byte _b : 1; public: RotaryEncoder(byte pin_clk, byte pin_dt, byte pin_sw = ROTARY_NO_BUTTON, byte num_results=1, RotaryEncoderLimits * limits=0){ //parametro do botao opcional _pin_clk = pin_clk; _pin_dt = pin_dt; _pin_sw = pin_sw; pinMode(_pin_clk, INPUT); pinMode(_pin_dt, INPUT); if (_pin_sw != ROTARY_NO_BUTTON){ pinMode(_pin_sw, INPUT); digitalWrite(_pin_sw, HIGH); } if (num_results == 0) { num_results = 1; } _num_results = num_results; _results = new int[_num_results]; for (int i; i<_num_results; i++){ _results[i] = (limits) ? limits[i].min : 0; } _index_result = 0; _limits = limits; _a = false; _b = false; } byte getIndex() { return _index_result; } void next() { _index_result++; if (_index_result >= _num_results) { _index_result = 0; } } void update_a() { _result = 0; delay (1); if( digitalRead(_pin_clk) != _a ) { _a = !_a; if ( _a && !_b ) { _result = -1; } } if (_results[_index_result]+_result >= _limits[_index_result].min && _results[_index_result]+_result <= _limits[_index_result].max ) { _results[_index_result] += _result; } } void update_b() { _result = 0; delay (1); if( digitalRead(_pin_dt) != _b ) { _b = !_b; if ( _b && !_a ) { _result = +1; } } if (_results[_index_result]+_result >= _limits[_index_result].min && _results[_index_result]+_result <= _limits[_index_result].max ) { _results[_index_result] += _result; } } int read(){ return _result; } //retorn -1, 0 ou 1. int getValue(int index=-1) { //retorna o valor da variável corrente ou a passada como parametro if (index < 0 ){ return _results[_index_result]; } return _results[index]; } void setValue(int value, int index=-1){ _results[ (index==-1) ? _index_result : index] = value; } //caso a variável inicializa em determinado valor diferente de zero, utilizar esse método. int buttonRead(){ return (_pin_sw == ROTARY_NO_BUTTON) ? LOW : digitalRead(_pin_sw); } }; /************************************************************************************************************* ************************************FIM CLASSE ROTARY ENCODER************************************************* *************************************************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************************************* *******************************CLASSES TETRIS GAME************************************************************ **************************************************************************************************************/ const int TETRIS_TIME_INIT = 700; //tempo entre deslocamento dos inimigos const int TETRIS_TIME_INC = 20; //incremento da velocidade enum Direction { DIR_STOP, DIR_TOP, DIR_LEFT, DIR_BOTTOM, DIR_RIGHT}; enum TetrisGameStatus { TETRIS_GAME_ON, TETRIS_GAME_OVER }; enum TetrisBlockTypes { TETRIS_I, TETRIS_J, TETRIS_L, TETRIS_O, TETRIS_S, TETRIS_Z, TETRIS_T, TETRIS_COUNT_BTYPES}; struct Position { int row, column; }; struct Block { byte row0:4; byte row1:4; byte row2:4; byte row3:4; }; //4 bit cada linha //blocos e suas rotacoes Block block_i[] = { {B1111, B0000, B0000, B0000}, {B0001, B0001, B0001, B0001} }; Block block_j[] = { {B0000, B0010, B0010, B0011}, {B0000, B0000, B0001, B0111}, {B0000, B0110, B0010, B0010}, {B0000, B0000, B0111, B0100} }; Block block_l[] = { {B0000, B0010, B0010, B0110}, {B0000, B0000, B0100, B0111}, {B0000, B0011, B0010, B0010}, {B0000, B0000, B0111, B0001} }; Block block_o[] = { {B0000, B0000, B0110, B0110} }; Block block_s[] = { {B0000, B0001, B0011, B0010}, {B0000, B0000, B0110, B0011} }; Block block_z[] = { {B0000, B0000, B0110, B1100}, {B0000, B1000, B1100, B0100} }; Block block_t[] = { {B0000, B0000, B0010, B0111}, {B0000, B0010, B0011, B0010}, {B0000, B0000, B0111, B0010}, {B0000, B0001, B0011, B0001} }; class TetrisBlock{ private: Block _block; //bloco que vai descendo. player Position _position; //posição do bloco na tela. pode assumir posição negativa TetrisBlockTypes _blockType; byte _blockTypeRotation; public: Position getPosition() { return _position; } byte getRow(int row) { if (row == 0 ) return _block.row0; if (row == 1 ) return _block.row1; if (row == 2 ) return _block.row2; if (row == 3 ) return _block.row3; return 0; } byte getColumn(int col) { byte b = 0; for (int i=0;i<4;i++){ bitWrite(b, 3-i, bitRead(getRow(i), 3-col) ); } return b; } int read(int row, int column){ byte b = getRow(row); unsigned int bit = column%8; return (b & (1 << bit)) != 0; } void left() { _position.column--; } void right() { _position.column++; } void bottom() { _position.row++; } void top() { _position.row--; } void generateBlock(byte col) { _position.row = 0; _position.column = col; _blockType = (TetrisBlockTypes) random(0, TETRIS_COUNT_BTYPES); _blockTypeRotation = 0; if ( _blockType == TETRIS_I ){ _block = block_i[_blockTypeRotation]; } if ( _blockType == TETRIS_J ){ _block = block_j[_blockTypeRotation]; } if ( _blockType == TETRIS_L ){ _block = block_l[_blockTypeRotation]; } if ( _blockType == TETRIS_O ){ _block = block_o[_blockTypeRotation]; } if ( _blockType == TETRIS_S ){ _block = block_s[_blockTypeRotation]; } if ( _blockType == TETRIS_Z ){ _block = block_z[_blockTypeRotation]; } if ( _blockType == TETRIS_T ){ _block = block_t[_blockTypeRotation]; } if (!getRow(0)) { _position.row--; if (!getRow(1)) { _position.row--; if (!getRow(2)) { _position.row--; } } } } void rotate(int direction = 1){ int maxPos = 0; if ( _blockType == TETRIS_I ){ maxPos = sizeof(block_i)/sizeof(Block); } if ( _blockType == TETRIS_J ){ maxPos = sizeof(block_j)/sizeof(Block); } if ( _blockType == TETRIS_L ){ maxPos = sizeof(block_l)/sizeof(Block); } if ( _blockType == TETRIS_O ){ maxPos = sizeof(block_o)/sizeof(Block); } if ( _blockType == TETRIS_S ){ maxPos = sizeof(block_s)/sizeof(Block); } if ( _blockType == TETRIS_Z ){ maxPos = sizeof(block_z)/sizeof(Block); } if ( _blockType == TETRIS_T ){ maxPos = sizeof(block_t)/sizeof(Block); } (direction==1) ? _blockTypeRotation++ : _blockTypeRotation--; if (_blockTypeRotation == 255) { _blockTypeRotation = maxPos-1; } if (_blockTypeRotation >= maxPos) { _blockTypeRotation = 0; } if ( _blockType == TETRIS_I ){ _block = block_i[_blockTypeRotation]; } if ( _blockType == TETRIS_J ){ _block = block_j[_blockTypeRotation]; } if ( _blockType == TETRIS_L ){ _block = block_l[_blockTypeRotation]; } if ( _blockType == TETRIS_O ){ _block = block_o[_blockTypeRotation]; } if ( _blockType == TETRIS_S ){ _block = block_s[_blockTypeRotation]; } if ( _blockType == TETRIS_Z ){ _block = block_z[_blockTypeRotation]; } if ( _blockType == TETRIS_T ){ _block = block_t[_blockTypeRotation]; } } }; class TetrisGame { private: BitArray2D * _display; //display com todos os objetos da tela. recebido como parâmetro BitArray2D * _recipient; //recepiente onde os blocos vão se acumulando. criado internamente pela classe TetrisBlock * _block; Direction _direction; TetrisGameStatus _tetrisGameStatus; unsigned long _last_millis; unsigned long _last_millis_player; int _time; int _score; byte _fast : 1; //acelerar a descida UniqueRandom * _ur; //utilizado no game over void _gameOver(){ _tetrisGameStatus = TETRIS_GAME_OVER; _direction = DIR_STOP; _time = 20; } void _inc_speed(){ _score++; _time -= TETRIS_TIME_INC; } void _start(){ _recipient->clear(); _last_millis = 0; _score = 0; _time = TETRIS_TIME_INIT; _fast = 0; _direction = DIR_STOP; _tetrisGameStatus = TETRIS_GAME_ON; _newBlock(); } void _newBlock() { _block->generateBlock( _display->columns() / 2 - 1 ); if (_testCollision()){ _gameOver(); } } void _updateDisplay() { if (_tetrisGameStatus == TETRIS_GAME_ON) { _display->clear(); } for (int r=0; r<4; r++) { for (int c=0; c<4; c++) { if ( _block->read(r, c) ) { _display->write(_block->getPosition().row+r, _block->getPosition().column+c, HIGH ); } } } for (int row=0; row<_display->rows(); row++) { for (int col=0; col<_display->columns(); col++) { boolean val = _recipient->read(row, col); if (val) { _display->write(row, col, val ); } } } } boolean _testCollision(){ int col = _block->getPosition().column; //coluna do bloco em relacao ao recepiente. pode ser negativa int row = _block->getPosition().row; //linha do bloco em relacao ao recepiente. pode ser negativa for (byte c=0; c<4; c++){ for (byte r=0; r<4; r++){ if (! _block->read(r, c) ) { continue; } if ( row+r < 0 ) {return true;} if ( row+r >= _display->rows() ) {return true;} if ( col+c < 0 ) {return true;} if ( col+c >= _display->columns() ) {return true;} if ( _recipient->read(row+r, col+c) ) {return true;} } } return false; } boolean _canLeft(){ _block->left(); boolean r = ! _testCollision(); _block->right(); return r; } boolean _canRight(){ _block->right(); boolean r = ! _testCollision(); _block->left(); return r; } boolean _canBottom(){ _block->bottom(); boolean r = ! _testCollision(); _block->top(); return r; } boolean _canRotate(){ _block->rotate(); boolean r = ! _testCollision(); _block->rotate(-1); return r; } void _blockToRecipient(){ for (byte c=0; c<4; c++){ for (byte r=0; r<4; r++){ if ( _block->read(r, c) ){ _recipient->write(_block->getPosition().row+r, _block->getPosition().column+c, HIGH); } } } _verifyCompleteRow(); _newBlock(); } void _verifyCompleteRow(){ for (int row=0; row<_recipient->rows(); row++) { boolean complete = true; for (int col=0; col<_recipient->columns(); col++) { if (! _recipient->read(row, col) ) { complete = false; break; } } if (complete){ _incScore(); //move as linhas pra baixo for (int row2 = row; row2>=0; row2--) { for (int col2=0; col2<_recipient->columns(); col2++){ _recipient->write(row2, col2, (row2>0) ? _recipient->read(row2-1, col2) : 0 ); } } } } } void _incScore(){ _score++; _time -= TETRIS_TIME_INC; } void _runGameOver(){ int r = _ur->next(); int row = (r / _display->columns()); int col = (r % _display->columns()); _display->write(row, col, HIGH ); if ( _ur->getIndex() == (_ur->size()-1) ) { _ur->randomize(); _ur->first(); _start(); } } void _runPlayer() { if (_direction == DIR_LEFT && _canLeft() ) { _block->left(); } if (_direction == DIR_RIGHT && _canRight() ) { _block->right(); } _direction = DIR_STOP; } void _runBlock() { _canBottom() ? _block->bottom() : _blockToRecipient() ; _direction = DIR_STOP; } public: TetrisGame(BitArray2D * display){ _display = display; _recipient = new BitArray2D( _display->rows(), _display->columns() ); _ur = new UniqueRandom( _display->rows() * _display->columns() ); _block = new TetrisBlock(); _start(); } void fast() { _fast = 1; } //acelerar o deslocamento void noFast() { _fast = 0; } //descida do bloco na velocidade normal void left() { _direction = DIR_LEFT; } void right() { _direction = DIR_RIGHT; } void bottom() { _direction = DIR_BOTTOM; } void rotate() { if (_canRotate()) { _block->rotate(); } } int getScore(){ return _score; } Position getPosition() { return _block->getPosition(); } int update(){ int r = false; if (millis() - _last_millis > ( (_fast==1) ? 50 : _time ) ) { r = true; _last_millis = millis(); if (_tetrisGameStatus == TETRIS_GAME_ON) { _runBlock(); } if (_tetrisGameStatus == TETRIS_GAME_OVER) { _runGameOver(); } } if (millis() - _last_millis_player > 70 ) { //atualiza os movimentos do player a cada 70ms r = true; _last_millis_player = millis(); if (_tetrisGameStatus == TETRIS_GAME_ON) { _runPlayer(); } } if (r) { _updateDisplay(); } return r; //r-->indica se houve mudança no display } }; /************************************************************************************************************* *******************************FIM CLASSES TETRIS GAME******************************************************** **************************************************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************************************* *******************************DISPLAY************************************************************************ **************************************************************************************************************/ /* rotation indica qual parte do display estará para cima TOP L . . . . . . . . R E . . . . . . . . I F . . . . . . . . G T . . . . . . . . H . . . . . . . . T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BOTTOM */ enum Rotation {TOP, LEFT, BOTTOM, RIGHT}; struct Display { int index; Position position; Rotation rotation; }; /************************************************************************************************************* *******************************FIM DISPLAY******************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************************************* *******************************CLASSE GAME LCD**************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************************/ /* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** */ byte c0[8] = {B11111, B11111, B00000, B11111, B11111, B00000, B11111, B11111 }; byte c1[8] = {B00000, B00000, B00000, B11111, B11111, B00000, B11111, B11111 }; byte c2[8] = {B00000, B00000, B00000, B00000, B00000, B00000, B11111, B11111 }; byte c3[8] = {B11111, B11111, B00000, B11111, B11111, B00000, B00000, B00000 }; byte c4[8] = {B11111, B11111, B00000, B00000, B00000, B00000, B11111, B11111 }; byte c5[8] = {B00000, B00000, B00000, B11111, B11111, B00000, B00000, B00000 }; byte c6[8] = {B11111, B11111, B00000, B00000, B00000, B00000, B00000, B00000 }; class GameLCD { private: LiquidCrystal * _lcd; //ponteiro para um objeto lcd public: void createChars() { _lcd->createChar(0, c0); _lcd->createChar(1, c1); _lcd->createChar(2, c2); _lcd->createChar(3, c3); _lcd->createChar(4, c4); _lcd->createChar(5, c5); _lcd->createChar(6, c6); } GameLCD(LiquidCrystal * lcd) { _lcd = lcd; } void write(byte col, byte row, byte val){ _lcd->setCursor(col, row); if (val == B000) { _lcd->print(" "); } if (val == B111) { _lcd->write((byte)0); } if (val == B011) { _lcd->write((byte)1); } if (val == B001) { _lcd->write((byte)2); } if (val == B110) { _lcd->write((byte)3); } if (val == B101) { _lcd->write((byte)4); } if (val == B010) { _lcd->write((byte)5); } if (val == B100) { _lcd->write((byte)6); } } }; /************************************************************************************************************* *******************************FIM CLASSE GAME LCD*********************************************************** **************************************************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************************************* *******************************DECLARACAO DOS OBJETOS********************************************************* **************************************************************************************************************/ /* tamanho display real * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ const int LINHAS = 16; const int COLUNAS = 6; LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7); GameLCD gameLcd(&lcd); BitArray2D ba(LINHAS, COLUNAS); //8 linhas e 16 colunas, usada para armazenar o estado do display TetrisGame tetris(&ba); RotaryEncoderLimits lim[] = { {-1000,1000} }; //limites máximos e mínimos que as variaveis podem atingir RotaryEncoder re(A0, A1, 4, 1, lim); //pino clk, pino dt, pino sw, qtd variaveis, limites /************************************************************************************************************* *******************************FIM DECLARACAO DOS OBJETOS***************************************************** **************************************************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************************************* *******************************TRATAMENTO DAS INTERRUPÇÕES**************************************************** **************************************************************************************************************/ //interrupções dos pinos A0 e A1 via Pin Change Interrupt ISR(PCINT1_vect) { volatile static byte lastVal_a0 = LOW; volatile static byte lastVal_a1 = LOW; byte val_a0 = digitalRead(A0); byte val_a1 = digitalRead(A1); if (lastVal_a0 != val_a0){ re.update_a(); lastVal_a0 = val_a0; } if (lastVal_a1 != val_a1){ re.update_b(); lastVal_a1 = val_a1; } } void setup_interrupts(){ //-----PCI - Pin Change Interrupt ---- pinMode(A0,INPUT); // set Pin as Input (default) digitalWrite(A0,HIGH); // enable pullup resistor pinMode(A1,INPUT); // set Pin as Input (default) digitalWrite(A1,HIGH); // enable pullup resistor cli(); PCICR |= 0b00000010; // habilita a porta C - Pin Change Interrupts PCMSK1 |= 0b00000011; // habilita interrupção da porta c nos pinos: PCINT8 (A0) e PCINT9(A1) sei(); } /************************************************************************************************************* *******************************FIM TRATAMENTO DAS INTERRUPÇÕES************************************************ **************************************************************************************************************/ void update_display() { for (int lin=ba.rows()-1; lin>=0; lin--) { byte lin_lcd = 0; byte cont = 0; byte val = 0; for (int col=0; col<ba.columns(); col++) { if (cont == 0){ val = 0; } val = val << 1; val = val |, col); cont++; if (cont == 3) { gameLcd.write(LINHAS-lin-1, lin_lcd, val) ; cont = 0; lin_lcd++; } } } } void setup() { setup_interrupts(); lcd.begin(16, 2); gameLcd.createChars(); randomSeed(analogRead(A2)); re.setValue(0, 0); //inicializa o rotary em 0 } void loop() { static int val_encoder = 0; static boolean change = false; if (re.getValue(0) < val_encoder && !change){ tetris.left(); change = true; } //sentido anti-horario move para esquerda if (re.getValue(0) > val_encoder && !change){ tetris.right(); change = true; } //sentido horario move para direita val_encoder = re.getValue(0); if ( tetris.update() ) { change = false; update_display(); } //controla o click do botao do enconder //clique curto --> rotate //clique longo --> fast static byte lastb = HIGH; //leitura anterior do botão static unsigned long m_pressed = 0; //millis na borda de subida do botão int b = re.buttonRead(); if( !b && lastb ) { //borda de subida m_pressed = millis(); delay(70); } if( b && !lastb ) { //borda de descida if (millis() - m_pressed < 350) { tetris.rotate(); m_pressed = millis(); } } if( !b && millis()-m_pressed > 350){; } else { tetris.noFast(); } lastb = b; }